Love, the ever famous word to which most of us can
relate. May it be of pain, excitement, anticipation or joy, we all love talking
about love. Now, are you starting to to ask what this article is all about?
Surprisingly, it is not about that four-letter word. No. it is about the word
Relating is like looking at yourself in the mirror,
seeing the same view over and over again, and the option not to leave home lest
you would get lost amid the crowded world outside, so tospeak. It is like
drawing a circle on the ground and never wanting to step out of it.
Have you ever heard of Heraclitus’s concept of fire? The
notion stating that life in general is an immortal fire that never dies, only
transforms. Much like the Law of Energy Conservation, eh. Have you ever heard
of the rather oxymoronic term ‘Christian Anarchism’ that a certain Russian
novelist Leo Tolstoy coined? It is about abolishing the wicked system and building
up a new one according to God’s will. It will eventually yield a theocratic
state. Or do you even have any idea about the nature of duality? This is, the
existence of two opposing forces that affect man. If I explain that I am
against the idea, I am one hundred percent certain you would only turn a deaf
ear on me. Why? Because you cannot relate! I know you have not had any idea
what the hell I am talking about. Why? The reason is you tread the ground
familiar to you. If I ask you something about love, I am sure that you can
answer me with a scholarly smile writhed upon your face.
There is nothing wrong with relating yourself to
predominant notions of everyday living.
Love, family, friends, politics, religion and everything that you can
think about, it matters a lot but striding the same road will not get you to
different fields. It will not lead you to new ideas you can explore. And what’s
worse, big recording companies and the media make a big profit from you, making
you a mental slave.
Relating is keeping your interest rekindled. It makes
writers like me choose something to write about. It keeps Justin Beiber’s bank
account happy. But it is also a prison that prevents us from exploring a much
greener pasture that lies beyond the horizon of our knowledge.
We are kept imprisoned by our minds by being mentally
stagnant. Our brain produces brain cells more that the stars in the sky, it is
a waste if we will not use it. If we step out of our circle, maybe a new
Renaissance will occur. Isn’t great? Having to live with an eye that penetrates
to some new ideas? Surely, we can expand the things we can relate to by
expanding our senses. After all, what are minds for if it will not be used?
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